Cal Fire: New, Reliable Helitack Facility in Vina, California

Cal Fire: New, Reliable Helitack Facility in Vina, California

Travel along Route 99 in Northern California outside Chico, and you might spot helicopters circling over your head. That influx of air traffic is thanks to the new Cal Fire Helitack Facility in Vina, California. While the Vina Helitack as existed for over 40 years,...
Choosing New Asphalt Roof Shingles

Choosing New Asphalt Roof Shingles

Style and color aren’t the only choices to make—you should also consider construction, lifespan, stain resistance, and more. By Mike Guertin Asphalt roof shingles have been around for over 100 years and dominate the residential roofing market. When I started...